




The Sun Theatre, formerly known as Heart Towards The Sun Theatre, is a non-profit organization that promotes theatre art and culture, actively taking part in education and social welfare involvements. In recent years, with the 100th anniversary of Malaysian Chinese-language drama, The Sun Theatre has successfully initiated the “Rescue Movement of Centennial Malaysian Chinese-language Drama Archives”, while conducting field investigations and collecting precious drama documents and artifacts from all over the country, such as performance scripts, special issues, clippings, and theatre group badges, at which some remarkable results had been achieved.

Despite the pandemic, The Sun Theatre still step into the mission of promoting theatrical arts, undergoing researches on the fruitful and enormous historical development as well as the achievements of Malaysian drama, besides being invited to attend online academic conferences on drama hosted by major universities in China, Taiwan, the United States, last but not less in Malaysia. These kind of efforts has been drawing a large attention from the academic circles.

On December 20, 2021, The Sun Theatre published a collection of academic research papers on Malaysian Chinese-language drama, featuring articles from more than 20 drama experts and scholars from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Japan. The former Deputy Minister of Education of Malaysia, Dr. Mah Hang Soon, was invited to preside over the official launching of the ceremony.

The different developed stages of a country’s theatrical art and academic achievements can reflect its cultural level as well as the material and spiritual wealth of its citizens. At the same time, a country’s theatrical developement can also be related profoundly and hugely to its national destiny, people’s livelihood, and cultural exploration. In the midst of the pandemic, The Sun Theatre hopes to fully utilizes the artistic and cultural resources of theatre along with the powerful academic knowledge to restore our country’s vibrant social and economic ecology.

Since the formation of The Sun Theatre, we continue to uphold our objectives, promote healthy culture, education, charity and society care. Since year 2000, many dramas have been staged.

In the year 2000, The Sun Theatre brought the true story of Huang Nai-Hui, The Taiwanese Excellent Youth, Heart Towards The Sun on the stage and donated all proceeds to Malacca branch Tzu Chi kidney dialysis center. In the following year, Heart Towards The Sun drama theatre once again was presented and ticket collections were donated to Society of The Chinese Disabled Persons Malaysia.

In the year 2002, The Sun Theatre staged the story of handicapped Zheng Feng-Xi, He Never Gives Up in the theatre. The show helped to raise fund for Persatuan Kristian Shuang Fu.

In the year 2004, The Sun Theatre invited Huang Nai-Hui from Taiwan to present a total of 9 seminars throughout Malaysia. The courage drama theatre My Dream was staged subsequently.

In the year 2005, The Sun Theatre presented drama theatre Chairperson. At the same time, 17 sessions of Hao Meng Cheng Shuang music and education sharing workshops were held at different states in Malaysia.

In the same year, The Sun Theatre trained the first batch of children drama course students (from 6 to 12 years old) and presented a mini drama Happy Together. These students also performed in Pahang and funds collected were donated to UNICEF. Instead of providing a happy enviroment for children to experience group life, drama knowledge and acting skill but also to build up self confidence and the art of communication.

In the year 2007, The Sun Theatre continues to move forward with our objective to promote the culture and art of drama. The charity drama Journey of Love is based on a true story of an AIDS patient. To compliment the charity drama, various AIDS awareness campaigns were held such as giving out AIDS info handbook and comdoms, conducting questionaire survey, blood donation etc. Proceeds from the performance will be donated to Kuala Lumpur AIDS Support Service Society (KLASS).

In the year 2008, The Sun Theatre presented another two dramas, Be With You and The Killer with the aim to improve public care to HIV+ and also to collect funds so that we can continue with our objective and find a real home for HTTS. 2009, The Sun Theatre presented “Journey of Love” at klpac.

We also have performed some other minor dramas such as Mid Autumn festival drama, Majalah Pelajar 20th anniversary drama, The Pain Of Chinese School, Single Mother’s Journey of Love, The Adventure of Environment Care, Moving to Greener Home, U are Happy, The day We Left Home, Love.Angel , Mummy Loves You You Loves The Earth, The Scent Of Books, Beware Of Strangers and joined international musical drama Cheng Lock. Meanwhile we also join or co-organise some art and social care activities such as Taiwan Culture Art Film Show, Photo Exibitions, International AIDS Candlelight Day, Children Drama Camp etc.

We also launch a season magazine [Go! Theatre] as a text communication platform to exchange information, drama knowledge, and sharing.

We have donate more than RM50,000 to charity organisations and non profit organsitions such as Persatuan Kristian Shuang Fu, Tzu Chi kidney dialysis center Malacca, Society of The Chinese Disabled Persons Malaysia, The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Kuala Lumpur AIDS Support Center (KLASS) and Sichuan earthquake victims.

23 years since the founding of The Sun Theatre, we plead for more supports from government organizations, companies and all other units, so that we may continue our effort. We shall work harder to realize our objectives. Our heart is towards the Sun, towards hope.

心向太阳剧坊 2000-2021
The Sun Theatre
心向太阳剧坊 2021-


心向太阳剧坊是从一部舞台剧开始。那部舞台剧就叫做“ 心向太阳”,演的是黄乃辉的奋斗故事。黄乃辉是台湾一位脑性麻痹患者的杰出青年。舞台剧于2000年11月公演,场场爆满,佳评如潮,更邀得故事主人翁黄乃辉亲临现场观赏。两年后,“ 心向太阳”成员,将郑丰喜的故事“ 汪洋中的一条船”搬上舞台。当时的班底,就叫做“ 心向太阳舞台剧制作群”。

2004年希望能够更有组织的发展剧团,剧团的中文名也定为“ 心向太阳剧坊”,同时公演舞台剧“ 梦天堂”,并主办黄乃辉巡回半岛9场“ 梦天堂:打开生命之窗”的激励讲座会。剧坊后来又公演了“ 椅子人”和“ 爱之路”舞台剧,并在2006年正式获得注册为非盈利社团。

从“ 心向太阳”开始,剧坊始终秉持着戏剧不仅只娱乐,也有教育的功能。“ 心向太阳”舞台剧的主题曲“ 生命是一颗种子”,代表着剧坊成员的心声,希望自己的生命也像一颗种子,能够茁壮成长,最终长成一片茂密的森林。









《黄乃辉――梦天堂:开启生命之窗》新马巡回激励讲座会、全国《好梦成双》戏剧、音乐和教育分享会、第一届《海鸥.飞》儿童戏剧一日营、国内外舞台剧影片《戏剧欣赏会》、《戏剧艺术大讲堂》、《爱之路:爱滋教育宣导活动》、《发现角落》短片展、《国际烛光爱滋纪念日》、《童心乐园儿童戏剧一日营》、《梦天堂》巡回弹唱会、《南洋 “十大歌星颁奖典礼”》、《“绮丽台湾”摄影展》、《红红太阳生活营》、《E时代文学营》、《爱滋病教育工作坊》、《2005中秋晚会》、《海啸摄影展》、《学海》第19届东海岸区学生记者培训营、《“中华情,爱心愿”慈善晚宴》、《这边看得见》艺术电影、参展《马来西亚文化艺术节暨第二届东盟茶文化博览会》、《反毒运动》、《书香中文国际书展》、《阅读大马》书展、第3届“海鸥.飞”儿童戏剧生活营、《跨年倒数活动》、2008年《全国新春大团拜》、《“携手迎梦”筹募会所基金晚宴》、2008年艺术家之月系列活动之一《文化精英谈剧场文化讲座会》、《“陪你走过”防范爱滋影像展》、《陪你走过:爱滋教育宣导活动》、《捐血运动》、《爱滋病中西医讲座会》、《读好书、考好试》讲座会、《防范爱滋病影片播放会》、《爱滋病问卷调查》、支持追讨英军60年前屠杀平民冤案呈请愿书活动、《台湾文化艺术电影欣赏会》(连续4届)、一年一度书香中小学戏剧观摩赛(自2008年起)和剧本朗读观摩赛(自2011年起)等。



国际舞台演出:Istana Budaya, Malaysia(《Cheng Lock》musical)2007年






